The VoIPBIN campaign API offers a comprehensive campaign service designed for massive outbound calling, including SMS, email, and SNS (Social Networking Service) messaging. These outbound campaigns are tailored to efficiently reach a large number of recipients for various purposes such as telemarketing, telesales, collections, and notifications.

The VoIPBIN’s campaign is composed of several essential resources that contribute to its effectiveness and functionality.

Queue: Represents the waiting place for calls and groups of agents who handle the calls.
Outdial: Contains the list of target destinations to which the campaign will reach out.
Outplan: Specifies the dialing strategy, determining how and when the calls will be initiated.
The campaign adheres to the 5W1H principle, which focuses on answering specific questions for each resource:
Campaign: Defines the purpose of making calls and outlines the actions to be taken after a call is established (Why/What).
Queue (Agents): Identifies the agents or recipients who will receive the call after it is answered (Who).
Outdial: Specifies the destinations or recipients to whom the calls will be made (Where).
Outplan: Determines the approach and timing for making the calls (How/When).
Dialing strategy
Effectively reaching out to customers is of utmost importance, and VoIPBIN provides multiple retry options to ensure successful communication.

By employing these dialing strategies, the campaign enhances the chances of successfully connecting with recipients, optimizing outreach efforts, and ensuring effective communication with the target audience.
"id": "<string>",
"type": "<string>",
"name": "<string>",
"detail": "<string>",
"status": "<string>",
"service_level": <number>,
"end_handle": "<string>",
"actions": [
"outplan_id": "<string>",
"outdial_id": "<string>",
"queue_id": "<string>",
"next_campaign_id": "<string>",
"tm_create": "<string>",
"tm_update": "<string>",
"tm_delete": "<string>"
id: Campaign’s ID.
type: Campaign’s type. See detail here.
name: Campaign’s name.
detail: Campaign’s detail.
status: Campaign’s status. See detail here.
service_level: Campaign’s service level. See detail here.
end_handle: Campaign’s outdial list end handle. See detail here.
actions: Campaign’s list of actions. See detail here.
outplan_id: Outplan’s ID.
outdial_id: Outdial’s ID.
queue_id: Queue’s ID.
next_campaign_id: Next campaign’s ID.
"id": "183c0d5c-691e-42f3-af2b-9bffc2740f83",
"type": "call",
"name": "test campaign",
"detail": "test campaign detail",
"status": "stop",
"service_level": 100,
"end_handle": "stop",
"actions": [
"id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"next_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"type": "talk",
"option": {
"text": "Hello. This is outbound campaign's test calling. Please wait until the agent answer the call. Thank you.",
"gender": "female",
"language": "en-US"
"outplan_id": "d5fb7357-7ddb-4f2d-87b5-8ccbfd6c039e",
"outdial_id": "40bea034-1d17-474d-a5de-da00d0861c69",
"queue_id": "99bf739a-932f-433c-b1bf-103d33d7e9bb",
"next_campaign_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"tm_create": "2022-04-28 02:16:39.712142",
"tm_update": "2022-04-30 17:53:51.685259",
"tm_delete": "9999-01-01 00:00:00.000000"
Campaign’s type.
Type |
Description |
call |
The campaign will make a call to the destination with a flow. |
flow |
The campaign will execute flow with a destination. |
Campaign’s status.
Type |
Description |
stop |
The campaign stopped. |
stopping |
The campaign is being stop. Waiting for dialing/process call’s termination. |
run |
The campaign is running. It will create a new call or flow execution. |
Service level
The service level control the amount of campaigncalls. It appects to the campaign’s campaigncall creation.
The campaign makes a new campaigncall when…
Available agent > Current dialing campaign calls * Service level / 100
It valid only if the campaign has a valid queue_id.
End handle
Campaign’s outdial list end handle.
Type |
Description |
stop |
The campaign will stop if the outdial has no more outdial target |
continue |
The campaign will continue to run after outdial has no more outdial target. |
"id": "<string>",
"campaign_id": "<string>",
"outplan_id": "<string>",
"outdial_id": "<string>",
"outdial_target_id": "<string>",
"queue_id": "<string>",
"activeflow_id": "<string>",
"reference_type": "<string>",
"reference_id": "<string>",
"status": "<string>",
"result": "<string>",
"source": {
"destination": {
"destination_index": <number>,
"try_count": <number>,
"tm_create": "2022-04-29 07:01:45.808944",
"tm_update": "2022-04-29 07:02:48.304704"
id: Campaigncall’s ID.
campaign_id: Campaign’s ID.
outplan_id: Outplan’s ID.
outdial_id: Outdial’s ID.
outdial_target_id: outdialtarget’s ID.
queue_id: Queue’s ID.
activeflow_id: Activeflow’s ID.
reference_type: Reference’s type. See detail here.
reference_id: Reference’s ID.
status: Campaigncall’s status. See detail here.
result: Campaigncall’s result. See detail here.
source: Source address info. See detail here.
destination: Destination address info. See detail here.
destination_index: Destination’s index.
try_count: Try count.
"id": "56347901-5bb9-422d-add5-5a2ca47fa737",
"campaign_id": "183c0d5c-691e-42f3-af2b-9bffc2740f83",
"outplan_id": "d5fb7357-7ddb-4f2d-87b5-8ccbfd6c039e",
"outdial_id": "40bea034-1d17-474d-a5de-da00d0861c69",
"outdial_target_id": "f50b169d-ce02-4bc9-a6e7-bb632c71e450",
"queue_id": "99bf739a-932f-433c-b1bf-103d33d7e9bb",
"activeflow_id": "02aad54d-270e-43c7-82c5-bf42502c8bc6",
"reference_type": "call",
"reference_id": "a69189aa-7295-4c3a-b51f-df1dbbded5f6",
"status": "done",
"result": "success",
"source": {
"type": "tel",
"target": "+821021656521",
"target_name": "",
"name": "",
"detail": ""
"destination": {
"type": "tel",
"target": "+821021656521",
"target_name": "",
"name": "",
"detail": ""
"destination_index": 0,
"try_count": 1,
"tm_create": "2022-04-29 07:01:45.808944",
"tm_update": "2022-04-29 07:02:48.304704"
Reference type
Campaigncall’s reference type.
Type |
Description |
none |
Has no reference type. |
call |
The reference type is call. Reference id is call’s ID. |
Campaigncall’s status.
Type |
Description |
dialing |
The campaigncall is dialing(not answered yet) |
progressing |
The campaigncall is progressing(the call answered) |
done |
The campaigncall is hungup |
Campaigncall’s result. The result is calculated by the final status/result of the referenced resource(call/sms/…).
For example, if the call ended with no_answer, the result will be calculated to the fail.
Type |
Description |
“” |
Have no result yet. |
success |
The campaigncall ended successfully. The target’s status will be set to the done and will not make retry. |
fail |
The campaigncall ended unsuccesfully. The target’s status will be set to the idle and will make a retry. |
The call hangup reason - result mapping table.
Call hangup reason |
Calculated result |
normal |
success |
All others |
fail |
Get list of campaigns
$ curl --location --request GET ''
"result": [
"id": "183c0d5c-691e-42f3-af2b-9bffc2740f83",
"type": "call",
"name": "test campaign",
"detail": "test campaign detail",
"status": "stop",
"service_level": 100,
"end_handle": "stop",
"actions": [
"id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"next_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"type": "talk",
"option": {
"text": "Hello. This is outbound campaign's test calling. Please wait until the agent answer the call. Thank you.",
"gender": "female",
"language": "en-US"
"outplan_id": "d5fb7357-7ddb-4f2d-87b5-8ccbfd6c039e",
"outdial_id": "40bea034-1d17-474d-a5de-da00d0861c69",
"queue_id": "99bf739a-932f-433c-b1bf-103d33d7e9bb",
"next_campaign_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"tm_create": "2022-04-28 02:16:39.712142",
"tm_update": "2022-04-30 17:53:51.685259",
"tm_delete": "9999-01-01 00:00:00.000000"
"next_page_token": "2022-04-28 02:16:39.712142"
Get detail of campaign
$ curl --location --request GET ''
"id": "183c0d5c-691e-42f3-af2b-9bffc2740f83",
"type": "call",
"name": "test campaign",
"detail": "test campaign detail",
"status": "stop",
"service_level": 100,
"end_handle": "stop",
"actions": [
"id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"next_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"type": "talk",
"option": {
"text": "Hello. This is outbound campaign's test calling. Please wait until the agent answer the call. Thank you.",
"gender": "female",
"language": "en-US"
"outplan_id": "d5fb7357-7ddb-4f2d-87b5-8ccbfd6c039e",
"outdial_id": "40bea034-1d17-474d-a5de-da00d0861c69",
"queue_id": "99bf739a-932f-433c-b1bf-103d33d7e9bb",
"next_campaign_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"tm_create": "2022-04-28 02:16:39.712142",
"tm_update": "2022-04-30 17:53:51.685259",
"tm_delete": "9999-01-01 00:00:00.000000"
Create a new campaign
$ curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"name": "test campaign",
"detail": "test campaign detail",
"type": "call",
"service_level": 100,
"end_handle": "stop",
"actions": [
"type": "talk",
"option": {
"text": "Hello. This is outbound campaign's test calling. Please wait until the agent answer the call. Thank you.",
"gender": "female",
"language": "en-US"
"outplan_id": "d5fb7357-7ddb-4f2d-87b5-8ccbfd6c039e",
"outdial_id": "40bea034-1d17-474d-a5de-da00d0861c69",
"queue_id": "99bf739a-932f-433c-b1bf-103d33d7e9bb"