.. _flow-struct-activeflow: Actvieflow ========== .. _flow-struct-activeflow-activeflow: Activeflow ---------- .. code:: { "id": "", "flow_id": "", "reference_type": "", "reference_id": "", "current_action": { ... }, "forward_action_id": "", "actions": [ ... ], "tm_create": "", "tm_update": "", "tm_delete": "" } * id: Activeflow's ID. * flow_id: Based flow id. * *reference_type*: Referenced resource type. See detail :ref:`here `. * reference_id: Referenced resource's ID. * current_action: Currently executing action. See detail :ref:`here ` * forward_action_id: Forward action ID. This action_id will be executed in the next action execution. * actions: List of actions. See detail :ref:`here `. Example +++++++ .. code:: { "type": "activeflow_created", "data": { "id": "7daa1750-f0a1-4674-a266-b95a68b27b7c", "flow_id": "d157ce07-0360-4cad-9007-c8ab89fccf9c", "reference_type": "call", "reference_id": "8c0c92c8-b5e6-42b2-80f3-5785b639eb3a", "current_action": { "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001", "next_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "type": "" }, "forward_action_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "actions": [ { "id": "df25724f-e308-4c89-9325-cf56cd09249e", "next_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "type": "answer" }, { "id": "2e7ec294-fc66-4039-8446-6590b82ed54f", "next_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "type": "talk", "option": { "text": "hello. welcome to voipbin. This is test message. Please enjoy the voipbin's service. thank you.", "gender": "female", "language": "en-US" } } ], "tm_create": "2022-04-10 09:06:12.332217", "tm_update": "2022-04-10 09:06:12.332217", "tm_delete": "9999-01-01 00:00:00.000000" } } .. _flow-struct-activeflow-type: Reference type -------------- Represent referenced resource's type. ======================= ================== type Description ======================= ================== call Call resource reference. message Message resource reference. ======================= ==================